Estimate the cost to replace your landlord contents

Type in your address to start estimating the replacement cost of your landlord
contents with data we have.

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Sum Insured Landlord Contents Calculator

To help you start estimating the replacement value of your landlord contents, this calculator uses information supplied by Sum Insured.

Based on general information held about your property, and information you provide, the calculator will generate an estimate of your landlord contents replacement value. To get a more accurate estimate, you can then further edit the contents information based on your individual circumstances.

This calculator combines Sum Insured’s home contents replacement cost database with your individual property’s household data, using an estimating technique and assumptions. The calculator doesn’t make allowance for particular insurance policy conditions or inclusions. We recommend you check your insurance policy for what’s defined or covered as a Buildings or Contents item, or both.

Simply enter your address above to help determine your estimated landlord contents replacement cost.

If you need help, look for the Help symbols.

Find out more about how this calculator works.

© 2003 - 2024 Sum Insured Pty Ltd (A.B.N. 55 947 630 521) trading as Home Contents. Australian Patent Number 2010202987.